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Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are made of various kinds of natural and man-made or synthetic materials that have been developed over the years for injection into the skin. They help to restore our skin to its former youthful appearance, as the material is injected into areas where it needs to be plumped up again and made to look firmer. Dermal fillers come in different thicknesses and in general, the thicker the product, the deeper it is injected into the dermal layer of the skin to help plump out fine to deep lines and wrinkles, such as naso-labial folds (nose to mouth lines), fill scars, contour the cheeks and chin or augment lips. At Bellissimo Clinic all of our fillers are hyaluronic acid based and completely reversible.



What are the risks and potential complications of dermal fillers treatment?


Depending on the area injected and the type of filler or pain control used, patients may find the procedure relatively painless to mildly uncomfortable. Treatments around the nose or lip areas are usually more painful.

The obvious, immediate and most common side effect is slight bleeding after the needle has been inserted into the skin. Other risks include mild bruising, tenderness, redness and swelling that may also occur around the site of injection. These signs may take 7 – 10 days to vanish, especially around the lips where there is little flesh and the skin is tender.

Rarely, allergic type reactions can occur after treatment with some fillers. These include prolonged redness, swelling, itching and or hardness and bumps in the skin. Such signs may appear at some or all of the points of injection. Sometimes, they can last for several months or longer, but this is extremely unusual.

If you have a history of cold sores, or fever blisters in the treated area, filler injections may cause them to break out again. In these cases, your practitioner may recommend that you take an anti-herpes medicine before treatment to help reduce the likelihood of an outbreak of cold sores.



What should you do after dermal filler treatment?

It is important that you follow the advice of your Dr Domenic carefully after dermal filler treatment. This will help you to gain maximum effect from the procedure and reduce the risk of complications.


Post-treatment advice:

  • Iced water soaks or ice packs can help to reduce swelling (although this is generally not required, in some instances Dr Domenic mayas you to to do this)

  • The use of pain-killers such as paracetamol, if required for a few days after treatment can be helpful. However if there is a lot of pain this is not normal and you should contact Bellissimo Clinic.

  • Arnica (a homeopathic remedy) cream or tablets are sometimes recommended a few days before and a few days after treatment as there is some evidence that this can reduce bruising;

  • Bruising and swelling should go down after a couple of days, but if you continue to experience very painful swelling and bruising, or if any blistering occurs, you should contact Bellissimo Clinic.

  • Similarly, if you experience any delayed reactions such as lumpy redness occurring any time after treatment, you should contact the person who treated you immediately


Each treatment is individual and some clients may experience more side effects than others, this is very normal and nothing to be concerned or worried about. Our bodies are all very  different and what you experience one time may differ from the next. Dr Domenic will guide you with specific advice tailored to your individual treatment.

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